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Scientific study
Chugging olive oil daily seem to have a decreasing effect on dementia-related ailments, suggesting that Mediterranean diets can lead to a healthier late stage of life for most people, stressing consumption of food items such as legumes, vegetables, nuts, fish, dairy, and olive oil, as suggested by study of patient data for more than 60,000 women and more than 31,000 men, including historical patient information stretching 30 years back, regarding cause of death
May 9, 2024
Mysterious oozing black egg, found by Japanese researchers 6,000 meter below sea surface in the western Pacific Ocean, is suspected to belong to a new deep-sea animal species, possibly mollusk or cnidarian, where soft to the touch and attached to a dead coral branch by a thin stalk
Feb 3, 2024
Moths and other insects are not really drawn to the light, but get stuck in a loop attempting to turn their back towards the strongest light source, normally the moon, but get disrupted and trapped in a continuous steering loop by our artificial lights
Feb 2, 2024
Study offers explanation for the extinction of absolutely massive 3 meter tall and 200-300 kg heavy Gigantopithecus blacki, the largest known ape species ever, suggesting the giant apes was too slow to adapt to the changing climate and plant community in their habitat, which reduced the availability of nutritious food, based on dating techniques applied to fossil teeth and sediments from caves in China
Jan 22, 2024
Study offers explanation for the extinction of absolutely massive 3 meter tall and 200-300 kg heavy Gigantopithecus blacki, the largest known ape species ever, suggesting the giant apes was too slow to adapt to the changing climate and plant community in their habitat, which reduced the availability of nutritious food, based on dating techniques applied to fossil teeth and sediments from caves in China
Jan 22, 2024
GPT-4 is officially better at pitching than human salesmen by a huge margin, while also getting investors to invest more money, according to study by Clarify Capital
Jan 11, 2024
Often neglected sense, scent, could be key to a good night’s sleep, according to new researchers at the University of California, who finds strong evidense cognitive abilities like memory and decision making is strengthened by enriching the air with fragrances
Jan 9, 2024
A recent study have found that parents who have daughters are more likely to support the Republican Party and less likely to support the Democrats in the U.S., an effect that increases with wealth and education of the parents, contradicting some previous studies that found an opposite effect
Dec 16, 2023
If you’re fat and eat a lot of soy you are in danger of losing your feritlity, seeing as men who eat only half a portion of soy per day have, on average, 41 million less sperm per ml than others, an effect drastically increased by overweight
Dec 15, 2023
Another reason humanity all of a sudden went from living in in caves, clubbing our food to a more sophisticated lifestyle we live today might just be because of fermented foods, that help break down plant-derived food internally, which might have resulted in a brain that’s tripled in size over the last two million years, while the colon at the sime time have shrunk by 74%
Dec 3, 2023