Are programmers digging their own grave with Devin?

It’s truly an interesting arms race to behold going on currently in the world of AI. With the introduction of Devin, the code-cruncher-crusher, we’re entering into a time where there’s immense incentives for coders and programmers to write their own doom

On the one hand you have curious programmers trying Devin out, soon realising this is what will replace them in a very short manner. On the other hand you have big capital literally throwing money at AI startups and businesses.

This creates an interesting feedback loop where programmers are incentivised to create businesses and join startups furthering AI, which then continues to replace the programmer’s collegues around the world. The out of work programmers then proceed to themselves join the ranks of AI furtherers, either as programmers or utilizers thereoff. This continues to fuel the accelerating AI progress we’re seeing, and successively, the doom of all programmers happily cheering the grim reaper on in a temporary digital gold rush.

2024-03-17 07:06


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