Evidence that Mars was Earth-like

The red planet has been subject to many theories, conspiracies, and discussions over the years. Was Mars populated with our pre-historic brethren or is it merely us seeing patterns of humanity where there’s none?

Recent studies as observations carried out by the Mars rover Curiosity, currently roaming the red landscape, are telling us a story of potential for emergence of life. The findings suggest that the climate on Mars may have been cyclical, between wet and dry seasons. This indicate that the climate on Mars changed over the millions years, perhaps supporting the formation of organic compounds necessary for life.

The Evidence

Mud Cracks: Some of the evidence for this theory comes from a study researching the mud cracks that where found by Curiousity. The mud cracks are believed to have formed by this interchangeability in the climate.

Manganese Oxide Deposits: High concentrations of manganese oxide was found In the rocks at Gale Crater, a site believed to have been a lake once upon a time. Manganese oxide typically forms in the presence of high oxygen levels, such as near plants and other photosynthetic life.

Ice-Rich Deposits: There have also been found ice layered into the Medusa Fossae Formation, which could hint at habitable conditions in the planet’s history.

Life on Mars?

While we don’t have any hard evidence such as a giant skeleton or ancients buildings to show for, there are new discoveries all the time that opens up for the possibility that Mars may have been host to lifeforms. It’s interesting as the science continue and the more we look, the less certain we are that we’re alone.

2024-05-04 11:34


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