Music as a mirror of our morality

Do our taste in music reflect our moral values? According to new study the answer is ‘Yes’.

The study

According to recent study by team of scientists at Queen Mary University of London and ISI Foundation in Turin our preference in music actually do reflect our moral values. The study was conducted on over 1,400 participants through Facebook. Then the acoustic and lyrical features was extracted from the top five songs of each participant’s preferred artist and analyzed.

“The results demonstrated that a combination of lyrical and audio features outperformed basic demographic information in predicting individuals’ moral compass. Specifically, musical elements like pitch and timbre emerged as crucial predictors for values of Care and Fairness, while sentiments and emotions expressed in lyrics were more effective in predicting traits of Loyalty, Authority, and Purity.”


Sweden Rock – Safest Festival

This research is particularly interesting when combined with other types of research, like why classical music can help reduce crime, or why some types of concerts are more prone to crime than others. For example, the Swedish music festival Sweden Rock, featuring music genres like heavy metal, death metal, hard rock, punk rock, and every other conceivable type of rock n’ roll, is considered one of the safest music festivals to visit. The number of assaults, sexual- or otherwise are lower than almost all other festivals in Sweden.

Questions remain…

Why is it that some types of music, however angry-sounding and filled to the rim with toxic masculinity induces lawfulness, order, and joy?

How come some other music festivals hosting artists with upbeat popular music are infected by violence, sexual assault, and hate?

Do classical music really scare of criminals?

Personal experience

The author is an avid fan of both classical- and rock music and have enjoyed many great concerts. My own experience from these concerts are incredibly positive, and with little to no issues with the above mentioned problems.

2024-04-09 11:25


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