Relationships in the Age of AI

More and more, AI is becoming a larger part of lives, whether we want it or not. From the student using ChatGPT to explain difficult concepts to them, or the researcher using AI to summarize articles, to the military using AI to control drones and target enemies.

Using AI for infinite money hack

It’s not really realistic to imagine a world where we reverse the progress, so it seems we’re stuck with AI, for better or worse. Last year, we saw small steps in the direction of an AI companion in the form of mobile apps.

Almost exactly one year ago today, I tried the iOS app “Call Annie” and was amazed by how I could speak to a graphic AI in real time. Today, we see various influencers and other people training their own version of a digital alter ego to create content for them in a way that is hardly distinguishable from the real deal.

Having a digital alter ego is a great way to create content that would otherwise not be possible. For example, having your AI-persona talk to your fans, giving them the same type of answers, in the same way that you would. Kind of like an “infinite money hack”.

A darker side

To all great advances there’s also another side, however. There are currently a lot of increasingly lonely people in the world that look for companionship wherever it may be offered. Some turn to the internet and purchase things like “girlfriend experience” from women renting their digital bodies out for money. There are already people publishing content on sites like Onlyfans with AI-only content with thousands of subscribers. Another free money hack…

Problem is this creates an infinite feedback loop to hell for these people purchasing digital love from AIs.

Soon, we’ll have AI-powered robots running around sharing their love with all the lonely men and women of the world. Will anyone actually want the real deal with all the compromises that comes along with that after having tried an AI girl- or boyfriend?

The perfect mate

Imaging yourself the most beautiful man or women (depending on your preference) being the absolute perfect mate. Listening tirelessly to your problems, satisfying your every need, while never complaining. Only problem he/she isn’t really human.

How many people would even be able to withstand such temptations? Love/sex is e.g. one of the most effective methods intelligence agencies and others use to extract information from people.

On the flip side

Perhaps we won’t even have to engage with other people AI personae, we could just have our own personal AI personae screen the opposite to completely remove the need for engagement!

I should mention that I’m a big supporter of the “Personal AI” idea, where everyone have their own personal, local AI, enhancing your abilities without giving your personal information away to other people or their AIs. I’m just curious as to how it will affect our relationships seeing as we will use AI more and more to interact with the world. I truly hope we manage to walk the line between entering the singularity, thus ending any need for personality, and complete isolation from other people.

2024-04-16 11:31


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