Testo-maxing? Stay away from crying women!

According to new study women possess chemosignals in their tears that lowers the testosterone and aggression in nearby men. And no, there’s no way of knowing if YOU are subjected to this witchery, the tears have no odor at all!

As if we didn’t have enough estrogenic things to worry about, here are yet another way to turn men into complacent beta-people. The problem here is, half the population carry this dangerous weapon that can stall your gym progress for months if you’re not keeping your lady happy.

The study

The study was looking at female rodent tears and observed that they blocked their male counterpart’s aggression. After testing the same in humans, they concluded that it reduced human male aggressions as well, with a whopping 43,7%.

The male bipedal ape-like mammals sniffed a sample of female odorless tears and found that it reduced the overall levels of neural activity in the male’s aggression. The researchers concludes by proposing the theory that all female mammals produce the same chemicals and thus males of all mammalian species are subject to the same repression of testosterone.


Basically, what the study suggests is, if you have a woman in your life and want to continue to be the man of the house, make sure to keep her happy. Women do, however cry on occasion, so be sure to take proper protective measures for those few occasions. I would recommend a long walk, protective goggles, and an (at least) FFP2 protective face mask.

But most of all, if you want to improve your gym game, perhaps the best strategy is investing in a good relationship with your better half!

2024-04-20 11:24


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