“There’s yet work to be done – space is not yet regulated!” -European Commission

European Commission is, unfortunately, most known for their trigger happy regulation finger. To the average European’s vexation, they have barely just begun.

Previous successes in legislation

From the paper-turners behind the GDPR initiative that brought us the cookie-dialogue of doom whenever we’ve been away from a website for an hour and haven’t refreshed the cookie. From the administrative lackeys that sold you on Common Agricultural Policy, known for it’s impressive complexity, inefficiency, and, sometimes perverse incentives, leading to overproduction, environmental degradation and disparities in support across member states. They did, however manage to unite the farmers and food producers in a Europe-wide protest against said policy!

Renewable energy and caring for the environment

We should also not forget how the EU has set their targets at impressive renewable energy targets, resulting in the closure of power plants across the union, just to start burning the coal, metaphorically, and literally, leading to a never-before-seen interest in personal home woodstoves (better make sure they’re within the EU energy efficiency range, though!) and winters of alternating heating for the citizens.

Luckily, the EU’s ban on single-use plastics turned out great! We’re now buying useless paper bags for twice the price of the plastic bags to carry the groceries in and rolls of single-use plastic bags to carry out our trash in. It’s a great way to care for the environment to use the new paper straws, packaged individually in plastic wrappers!

“It’s not just about appearance!”

As long as the appearance of caring for nature we can keep putting up those wind farms that only kill ‘some’ birbs and occasionally have to be kept spinning with diesel engines.

About the legislation

This was supposed to be about the European Commission’s new legislation on space, whatever they mean by that, but instead turned into a list of their previous successes with legislation in the Union.

“According to documents seen by POLITICO, the bloc’s diplomats have been briefed on plans to create an EU Space Label that will be used to designate companies that play by the new rules on sustainability and security, much in the same way that the bloc uses eco-labels to certify washing machines or televisions.”


They do have an impressive track record!

They say that an empire about to fall try their uttermost to legislate the problems away controlling the people, and if that doesn’t succeed there’s always a war to be fought…

2024-04-03 08:18


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