The human washing machine: Sci-fi coming for your bathroom?
The year is 1970 and the Osaka Expo showcases the technology of the future, including a human washing machine that promises to wash people clean. The idea arouses great interest in the audience, but never becomes a reality – Until now!
The future of the bathroom world
Are we facing a future for the bathroom world where basically every single trend and style will live side by side in small clusters?
ChatGPT Can’t Into Math
ChatGPT can’t into math and is quite stubborn upon its conclusions! However, when presented with a solution it remembers (but not for long!).
Prompt Engineering: What it is and when to use it
Prompt engineering have really become the talk of the town lately since the release of ChatGPT into the wild. I believe it’s an essential skill to have some experience in, but to master it takes quite a lot of effort and training!
AI and the Future of Digital ID
AI and the Future of Digital ID – Is it unavoidable or is there something we can do to improve our odds for a greater future?